1.0 Interpretation

In these Terms and Conditions, the following words and phrases shall bear the following meanings:

1.1 “The Stylist or Consultant” shall mean Alicia Rose
1.2 “The Client” shall mean either the Corporate Services organisation or Personal Services
to an individual
1.3 “The Artist” is the person(s) nominated by the Client to receive the Service provided by
the Stylist
1.4 “The Service” shall mean the Image and Styling services to be provided by the Stylist to
the Artist as booked by the Client
1.5 “The Service Date” shall mean the agreed date for provision of the Service
1.6 “The Fee Quote” shall mean the written quotation outlining the proposed service to be
provided by the Stylist
1.7 “Booking the Service” shall mean the Client booking the Service with the Stylist
1.8 “Working Day” shall mean a day other than Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday or any
other Public Holiday in England

2.0 Booking the Service

2.1 Booking the Service will only be secured with the Stylist once the fee quote submitted by the
Stylist for the Service has been accepted and payment terms complied with.
2.2 In the event the Stylist is unavailable due to illness or injury the Stylist will inform the Client as
soon as possible and use best endeavours to or an alternative date for provision of the service.
2.2 Confidentiality Information: Any material or information disclosed during provision of the service
(e.g. mood-boards) remain confidential to the stylist and any third parties. Other products and brand
names may by trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners
2.3 All garments provided by the Stylist as part of providing the service remain the property of the
Stylist, garment manufacturer, garment supplier or agent thereof.

3.0 Fees & Expenses

3.1 The Stylist will provide a fee quote in writing outlining the service to be provided to the Client
based on the Client’s specific requirements.
3.2 Expenses all reasonable out of pocket travel & accommodation expenses will be invoiced and
payable by the Client.

4.0 Invoice & Payment Terms

4.1 Corporate Services: Upon acceptance of the Fee Quote a deposit payment for 20% of the Total
Fee quoted in the Fee Quote will be invoiced and is payable in advance. An invoice for the remaining
50%, plus any reimbursable expenses will be invoiced within 7 working days of the event.
4.2 Payment Terms: Invoice and payment terms are as defined in 4.1 and 4.2 when booking the
Service, otherwise payment of invoices is strictly within 21 days following receipt of invoice. Interest
will be charged at the rate of 3% per month following this period.
4.3 Personal Services: Upon acceptance of the Fee Quote an invoice will be raised for the Total Fee
quoted in the Fee Quote and payment in advance of the service being provided is required to secure
the booking. Payment is by bank transfer or PayPal. Fees are non-refundable once the service has
been provided by the Consultant under any circumstances.

5.0 Warranty 

The Stylist represents and warrants that they will perform the Services with reasonable skill and care.

6.0 Limitation of Liability 

Subject to the Client’s obligation to pay the Fees to the Stylist, both party’s liability arising directly out
of its obligations under this Agreement and every applicable part of it shall be limited in aggregate to
the total sum of the Fees quoted in the Fee Quote. The Stylist assumes no liability due to the quality
of items or services purchased for the Client.

7.0 Cancellations or Changes of booking date

Corporate Services: If the Client wishes to change the agreed service date 7 days prior to provision
of the Service there will be no charge and a new booking will be arranged according to availability of
the Client and the Stylist. Changes to a service date less than 7 days prior to provision of the service
will be subject to an additional re-arrangement fee.
Corporate Services: If the Client cancels the agreed service date more than 7 days prior to the
agreed service date 50% of advance payment will be refunded. Cancellations less than 7 days before
the booking date will be invoiced for the full outstanding fee.
Personal Services: If the Client wishes to change a booking date for the service 7 days prior to
provision of the Service there will be no charge and a new booking will be arranged according to
availability of the Client and the Stylist. Changes to a booking date less than 7 days prior to provision
of the service will be subject to an additional re-arrangement fee.
Personal Services: If the Client cancels a booking 7 days prior to provision of the service, the Stylist
will offer an alternative date for the Service. Cancellations less than 7 days prior to provision of the
service will be subject to a re-arrangement fee.

8.0 Relationship of the Parties

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Services performed by the Consultant, its employees,
sub-contractors, or agents shall be as an independent contractor and that nothing in this Agreement
shall be deemed to constitute a relationship of an employer and employee, partnership, joint venture,
or otherwise between the parties.

9.0 Confidentiality

Neither Party will disclose any information of the other which comes into its possession under or in
relation to this Agreement and which is of a confidential nature. By accepting this response, you agree
that the information provided will not be disclosed, duplicated or used for any purpose.